A member fixes hir bike at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. Right to move / La Voie Libre is a community bike organization with the aim to make bike accessible as a transport mean to anyone in the city.
Members work on their own bike project at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The organization open its doors on Saturday evening to welcome all people who identify as trans, femme, women, non-binary and others who feel that male dominated spaces aren't for them.
So fixes a bike at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. So volunteers at the organization to advice and to help people who come to fix or make a bike in the workshop during the night dedicated to women, trans and femmes.
So helps a member to make hir own bike before the summer at Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. This member chose to join this time slot for the first time after having a bad experience when ze visits it with a friend.
So helps a member at Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. So started to be volunteer at Right to move four years ago after being introduced there by some friends.
So helps a member at Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The atmosphere is more relaxed during this time slot for all the people who attend it.
Between two advices, So fixes the damages of the winter on hir bicycle chain at Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. Bike shop culture is still pretty male-dominated, which means that women and trans folks may feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, and victims of behaviours suggesting that their skills, knowledge, perspectives or experience are not as valid as those of men.
So looks if a member needs for help at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The member is “really grateful that the organization offers this dedicated time-slot”.
Members work on two bikes the same night at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. Offering a dedicated time in the schedule is also a chance to defend social issues.
So bring a piece to help a member at at the organization Right to move/La Voie Libre, in Montreal, on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The same reality is denounced in many bike workshops.
In Montreal, there are few other organizations which dedicate a time slot on the same way: Santropol Roulant, Flat and BQAM.
Bike community faces an important machismo and intolerance although it doesn’t reflect the whole bike community and some members are working in a friendly and anti-oppressive environment.

Workshop Women Trans Femme

The community bike organization Right to move / La Voie Libre is located in the downtown of Montreal, at the back of the Concordia university. On Mackay street,  after crossing a parking, a little door invites to a basement where the workshop is located.

The first goal of the organization is to make bike accessible as a transport mean to anyone in the city. The organization is one of the oldest in the city. Originally in connection with the university, the organization now runs independently. It is one of the oldest bike organization in the city. It started 19 years ago.

People can enjoy the space to fix their bike and take advantage of experienced volunteers’ advices.

But this organization offers something else which makes a difference.

The necessity to allocate slots in the workshop reserved to trans, femme and women, started from the experience of gender-based violence and discrimination in workshops full of men.

Names were intentionally not mentioned to respect the intimacy of the place and people’s choice who agreed however to be photographed.

